September 2024

From the Pastor:

With the beginning of pre-school, I have assumed Wednesday chapel responsibilities for the children enrolled. Mainly this involves a very special task—preaching to children between two and four years old.

In some respects, the task is similar to the task of preaching every Sunday. Preaching, after all, is simply communication of the Gospel so that people understand it. When you listen to a sermon, you likely do not care about where the preacher went to seminary or how many years he or she has been preaching. I think what people care about is discovering a message of hope for their lives.

In this regard, children are no different from adults. However, they are mostly unable to articulate that goal. One of the ways we communicate hope in preschool is through music. And, one of the songs played for the preschool is a song called: “Jesus, You are Wonderful—Jesus You are Wonderful to me.”

Whenever I hear that song, I think about my own life. Truly Jesus is wonderful for all of us. As we mature, we call this idea “grace.” And, we discover that Jesus is wonderful to us without us having done anything to deserve that wonderfulness. We simply respond as people of faith in the world by doing wonderful things in Jesus’ name. 

During the last few months, I have become very impressed by the wonderful things people are able to do at St. Peter’s. As you read this newsletter, you might notice some of those things. God provides talents and resources. We respond. And as we respond, we communicate the wonderful relationship God provides for us through faith.

As we move through the fall, we will be discussing ways we respond to God’s call in our own lives. Plan to worship each Sunday. And, do not forget our 40th Congregational Anniversary on October 6.  Discover God’s message of hope and love in your life. And remember the song: Jesus is wonderful to all of us.  As we live in that wonder, Jesus calls us to be wonderful to others too!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Scott