February 2025

Dear Friends at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church,

This year, the entire month of February coincides with the Epiphany season. Epiphany is truly the spiritual prelude to the Lenten experience. It reminds us of the highlights of the ministry of Jesus and it “shows forth” the transformation of life God brings to the world through him.

As we hear the stories of this season, we come to understand more fully, the words of the prologue to John’s Gospel: “He came into the world and the world did not receive him.”

Sometimes, the greatest moments of our lives are the most difficult to accept. Unless we can perceive the future, moments of change in our lives may seem difficult. Even if we do perceive some semblance of the future, we might experience anxiety in the midst of change.

This coming month will help us to focus our ministry at St. Peter’s. Please remember to remain following the service for the annual meeting of the congregation on February 23. Several issues will be important for congregational discussion. And, as the time draws closer, the Church Council will be sending details of the meeting to you.

Most of the time, in the congregations I have served, congregational meetings occurred during the Epiphany season. I have always been fascinated by how much plans for the year reflected the ongoing ministry of Jesus and the disciples in the lessons for the Sundays. Going even further, if you notice the second lessons, you gain great discussions from the Epistles regarding how the church works.

I have always been amazed about how much the Scriptural references mirror our experience in congregations today. In other words, God works through all ages and throughout our lives. The next few months will bring significant challenges and opportunities in our ministry together. Please continue to pray that this year will bring a sense of new life among us as we move toward an enhanced vision of our future together!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Scott