March 2025

From the Pastor:

This year, we have experienced the longest Epiphany season possible. Since the word Lent means “Spring” in old Saxon, I have been waiting for it and wondering if the Groundhog might have been right.

At the same time, the long Epiphany season has given us time to prepare for the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5. We will, of course begin with Holy Communion and the service of the Imposition of Ashes at that time.

This year, our Lenten season will focus on the story of the Passion of our Lord. During the season, the pastors in the congregation will each offer a homily relating to the story on each of the Wednesdays of Lent. This schedule will come to an end during Holy Week with our Maundy Thursday service on April 17.

Lent is a time for both reflection and self-examination. We reflect on the gift of salvation brought about by our Lord Jesus Christ. However, we also begin this time of examination with the words of Ash Wednesday: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” To me, these words have always served as a reminder of the gift of abundance in the Kingdom of God. We are, after all shaped by the message of God’s Kingdom in our lives. And, we look forward to the life to come in the fullness of God’s Kingdom too.

As we enter this important season of the year, consider your own life. Think of ways you can enhance your spiritual life during this Season. And, plan to be at worship at St. Peter’s for as many of the services as you can attend. Taking time to share the message of faith is an important part of living out that faith in our lives.

We live in both joy and expectation. Our Lord lives with the promise of resurrection life for us. And each year as we proclaim the message of Easter, we realize that we cannot really appreciate the power of resurrection without also experiencing the cost our Lord took on to achieve it on our behalf.

I look forward to experiencing our community at worship during this important season of the year.

Peace in Christ,

Pr. Scott