MAY  2024

Dear Friends at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church,

As I begin my newsletter article for May, I want to THANK YOU for the celebration we had together on Sunday, April 28. After serving here for a month, it was very nice to be welcomed formally and to participate in the installation. Karen and I have enjoyed our time with you so far, and we look forward to a very fruitful interim ministry as we branch out together to express the love of Christ for those we encounter in ministry.

During these last few weeks, I have been blessed to discover a variety of ministries occurring in this congregation. Obviously, many people are being served through the ongoing ministry of this congregation. I am particularly impressed by the level of organization in the pre-school and with the opportunities the pre-school affords the congregation in diversifying its ministry.

I have also noticed that new faces seem to appear each Sunday. If you have not worshiped at St. Peter’s for a while, I hope you will return to our congregation either in person or on-line. We are grateful for your participation in the life of the church, and we certainly give thanks for all who participate directly in this congregation. More importantly, we pray that all who participate in worship each week will discover a new sense of inspiration, hope and meaning through our sharing of the Word and Holy Communion together.

If you know friends you believe would benefit from participation in our ministry at St. Peter’s, please invite them to come with you to church. (I realize this is not an easy task for Lutherans.)   If you believe you are blessed by worshiping here, your friends should discover spiritual refreshment here as well. 

May is a month of transition. Activities from the school year are put aside as summer approaches. While we understand that summer is a time for travel, it is also a time to reflect on God’s gifts of creation. Truly, we find blessings in this reflection. My point here is that we discover blessings together in our spiritual pilgrimages in life. My prayer continues that as these blessings accrue, then we will act together to make Christ better known in this community and the world. 

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Scott