October 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

Since the devastation in the Southeast has been a focus in the news during the last few days, stories have emerged of people helping others to overcome this disaster. People who study these events tell us that the recovery period is about ten times longer than the first phase of a disaster. With so many areas enduring persistent flooding, this event will not come to a point of recovery for a very long time.

Our brothers and sisters in South Carolina and in neighboring states are in need. As people of faith, we address needs around us. If you would like to give to this effort, please designate some of you offering this month for “disaster relief.” We will send it along to the South Carolina Synod to help with relief efforts. If you would like to give directly, you can go to the ELCA website, find Lutheran Disaster Relief, and make a donation on-line. 

When disasters strike, the church responds. God works through our generosity of spirit.

As we move into the month of October, we also experience a notable event in the life of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. THIS COMING SUNDAY, is our 40th Anniversary. Please plan to attend worship this week. Our worship service will celebrate our anniversary together. And, we will share a lunch together in the Fellowship Hall following this event. 

Our Consecration Sunday team is also planning several events related to Stewardship during our worship services later in the month as well.

All of these things work together to help us to shape our lives in Christ. In the context of our worship, we have experienced some important lessons Jesus has offered the disciples. As we live as disciples each day, we share our lives with others. We also begin to understand the spiritual significance of giving. 

The Gospel transforms our lives so that we can respond to difficult experiences and to uncertain times. And, of course, we continue to pray for those in need. God shapes us into people we become. It is an ongoing reality of our lives of faith. We give thanks each day for blessings as we continue to live with the greatest blessing of all—God’s love at work among us!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Scott