July 2024

Next week, we begin the second half of 2024. In some ways I sympathize with those local television news people who are always marveling that the month has changed.

Looking back at the first half of the year, St. Peter’s has certainly experienced many changes as Pastor Greg left, and the interim ministry began. Fortunately, our faith continues and we live by the power of God at work among us. To me, the even more important issue is that throughout the time we have been together, our lectionary texts seem to fit the needs of the congregation perfectly.

When I consider the work of ministry, I often realize that we persistently mirror that image of Janus for whom the month of January is named. We look forward and backward. As we look back, we see how God has shaped our lives. As we look forward, we understand that God continues to enable our faith to work to reveal God’s Kingdom.

Together we live by the power of that faith. We call this power: COMMUNITY.  Today, what I see happening at St. Peter’s is a community is increasing in energy as we discover the path that God means for us to follow.

I think that the next half of the year will be very exciting. To be sure, we have many challenges. Yet what we know is that God is working and acting in our lives. God indeed is showing us the way. And God will give us the resources to act appropriately to live as God’s own people both as a community and in the Pawleys Island community.

Many things have happened during the last few weeks illustrating this energy. Truly, our Vacation Bible School effort was a great effort. People came together. They cooperated with one another. And they served successfully in our Vacation Bible School last week. We are caring for one another and our larger community knowing that God is using us as we serve together. A special thank you to all who participated in this effort!

Thank you for welcoming Karen and me into your midst during the last quarter. We look forward not only to the challenges ahead but to all that God provides us together in Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Scott