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June 27, 2022 

Dear Members of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 

The Council members of our church would like to share some exciting news and updates with you!   Over the last few months, we have finalized and completed one building project and have signed a contract on a huge project for the outside of the church.   Both of these projects were possible through a partnership of the church and the preschool. The church had initiated a Heal the Building Fund in the summer of 2021 and the preschool received a DSS grant that could assist with that fund. 

Project #1: The classroom countertops and sinks were replaced with new vanities and the main bathrooms had new toilets and new countertops and sinks installed. The main bathrooms will be repainted in the near future to complete the project. Also, the choir room water damage was repaired and the room was repainted. This project was funded with the preschool grant. We thank Ginny Deeter, the Preschool Director, the Preschool Board and the other volunteers who participated in finding the suppliers and materials. Dependable Plumbing and Easton Industries did a fine job and we appreciate their efforts. The total cost of this project was $12,000. 

Project #2: The focus for the Heal the Building Fund was on repairing the outside of the building and repainting the entire site. The congregation was generous in their donations last summer and the preschool made a generous donation last fall. When the preschool received the DSS grant, the school board allotted a large sum of money to the project. We have signed a contract for the work to be completed that will include board repair, power washing, cleaning the gutters and repainting the entire building except for Heinecke Hall. This project is costing about $60,000 and is being funded with 50% DSS preschool grant and the church fund. 

The Council members of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church are proud to be able to announce these projects. We praise God for all his blessings!

Please plan on attending our Congregational meeting on Sunday, July 24 at 9:30 between services to receive a financial update, hear about upcoming events and to mix and mingle with our Carousel of Opportunities to learn more about our church and community work. Be thinking about how you might participate as we Renew, Revise and Reenergize 
our church family. 

We look forward to seeing everyone on July 24th and are excited to serve as you council members. Please contact any of us with questions, comments, compliments or concerns. 

Blessing to all, 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Council